Wikidata:Status updates/2020 08 10

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This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2020-08-10.



  • Past: Wikibase Live Session - August 2020. This session had a few people present on some of their work with modeling GLAM data in Wikibase or Wikidata. (replay)
  • Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Daniel Mietchen and Lane Rasberry about Scholia, a project to present bibliographic information and scholarly profiles of authors and institutions, 11 August. [Agenda]
  • Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #25, August 16

Press, articles, blog posts, videos[edit]

  • Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - QuickStatements and Distributed Wikidata games Facebook, YouTube
  • Video: Collaboration, contribution and use of Wikidata and Wikipedia by academic libraries (in Greek). YouTube
  • Librarians work to broaden Vanderbilt’s research reputation with Wikidata tools. "To speed up the creation of metadata about faculty and their publications, Steven Baskauf, data science and data curation specialist for libraries, developed “VanderBot,” a set of scripts that can read and write to Wikidata, greatly improving the efficiency by which Vanderbilt’s faculty are discoverable through Wikidata".

Tool of the week[edit]

Other Noteworthy Stuff[edit]

Did you know?[edit]


  • finalized designs for the query builder to start coding at the beginning of September
  • wrapping up the initial work on the design system so that we can start using the first pieces of it in the query builder development
  • working on properly linking redirects in recent changes, watchlist and co (phabricator:T255387)
  • addressed remaining security review comments about the Wikidata Bridge so that we can deploy it finally on the first Wikipedia
  • fixed a bug where string values had the wrong length limit (phabricator:T259440)
  • finishing the work of untangling Wikibase Client and Wikibase Repository extensions to make development easier

You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.

Monthly Tasks[edit]