Wikidata:Requests for comment/subatomic particle examples, definitions

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An editor has requested the community to provide input on "subatomic particle examples, definitions" via the Requests for comment (RFC) process. This is the discussion page regarding the issue.

If you have an opinion regarding this issue, feel free to comment below. Thank you!

I'm a 1st post --only post , . All I'm asking is that the definitions of subatomic particles be reviewed, expanded on, and created; for those who are seeking a laymans' definition --a basic understanding . I found VERY little regarding particle, subatomic particle, wave theory, and / or the words which define such --when searching "subatomica" . "WikiData" may have to GO to particle physicists, or send letters of request for information to realize basic theories around theses irreverent topics, in a way that can bring these worlds to many persons imagination(s). Or, have a research assistant delve into these subjects for a few weeks to locate materials relevant to the "subatomic" accomplish this. I simply found many "0" entries when attempting a better understanding of this subject. My naivete may be a REAL factor, [ in the WAY I've searched this out] however, this many "0" finds when looking under this topic was frustrating, and NOT like much of what this entire search engine is about. A concluding thought: when trying to picture these levels of "small", "minute", "infinitesimal", drawn physical examples can elicit a faster, more thorough conception- to many, vs. a strict numbers approach, however inconvenient this may be... to those most familiar to this field. You time is very appreciated, Thank you.