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On this page, old discussions are archived after 7 days. An overview of all archives can be found at this page's archive index. The current archive is located at 2024/06.

perpetrator of holocaust[edit]

Hi everyone,

the statement perpetrator of Holocaust is not added anywhere.

Here is the fitting SPARQL statement

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P8031 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P8031/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q113546439.
   LIMIT 100

There is a Wikipedia category that lists those people. How do I go about batch adding those statements?

I can pipe together the various api's , but maybe there is a better way. also, if there is some kind of sandbox api endpoint, I'd be very interested as not to break anything.

Is this the right endpoint for adding a claim?

lastly, the Adolf Hitler entity is protected, so can an admin please ad purpotrator of holocaust to that enity?

best wishes. FerhatUnvar (talk) 08:29, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The Holocaust (Q113546439) doesn't seem to be the correct item. I also think these kind of statements are too general. Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 09:30, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
We don't have a "perpetrator of" property in Wikidata. Before you want to add anything in bulk, it would be good to understand how Wikidata works and that goes better if you add individual statements.
Q113546439 was just a doublicate that existed because nobody over at WikiBooks added it to the correct Wikidata item which is The Holocaust (Q2763) (you could easily find it by typing Holocaust into Wikipedia to see where that article is). That item actually has a statement that Hitler was a perpetrator of the Holocaust. That statement lacks citations and we have a constraint that citation are necessary for this property. ChristianKl11:01, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That is confusing to me as I have built that query using Wikidata Query Builder, I was trusting that the autocomplete to give me correct suggestions. I assume you now added a redirect from Q113546439 to Q2763, if so, cheers for that.
I was talking about the perpetrator property here and added "of" to make it a correct English sentence. I did add the perpetrator statement for Goebbels, so the linked statement now returns one result. I did look at the Wikipedia article for holocaust, but failed to find a reference to Q2763 or Wikidata on it, I see now it's hidden behind the "tool" dropdown. The citations constraint does not link a citation policy directly, adding a link to Help:Sources in the description seems like a good idea to me - or is there a more fitting page?. I am still unsure if linking a given person's Wikipedia article via imported from Wikimedia project (P143) meets the citation constraint. I suspect that there are a lot of wikipedia categories similar to Category:Holocaust_perpetrators that allow to infer statements, so implementing tooling to facilitate seem useful to me. My initial question is aimed if such tooling already exists and if not, how I can help in providing it. FerhatUnvar (talk) 12:16, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Autocomplete is going to give you an item that matches the name that you are searching for. Wikidata does not yet process mind-reading techonology to know which item you actually want.
Help:Sources is unfortuantely no policy page and does not reflect current policy in regarding sources in Wikidata.
perpetrator (Q4445088) is an item and no property. The Holocaust did not perpetrate Joseph Göbbels, so the claim you added is wrong.
Claiming that someone is a Holocaust perpetrator is a quite serious charge and thus not something that shoudl be added simply because of a Wikipedia category but if such a claim would be added it should have a proper source. ChristianKl12:37, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Autocomplete is going to give you an item that matches the name that you are searching for. Wikidata does not yet process mind-reading techonology to know which item you actually want.
sometimes it is better just to say nothing if you have nothing constructive to say. Just feedback as you are part of the welcome new user initiative. You made me stop contributing all together.
FerhatUnvar (talk) 13:18, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I explicitely told you that we have no "perpetrator of" property and you still assumed that another property does what you want a "perpetrator of" property to do. If you contribute on the basis of adding a lot of wrong statements to Wikidata because you don't engage in effort to understand what you are doing, that's bad for Wikidata and that's why I was as explicit as I was. ChristianKl23:33, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
P143 is not adequate as a source for statements which are covered by the Living people policy which was mostly written by ChristianKl by the way. Sources for things like perpetrator are mandatory for living people or recently deceased. There might be people alive that was involved in the Holocaust. It would be a really bad idea to add such statements unsourced in batch. Infrastruktur (talk) 15:37, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Relating to this I'd like to point out that we are using subject has role (P2868) for pointing people that are Holocaust victim (Q5883980) on over 128000 items. Maybe P2868 could be used for Holocaust perpetrators as well if there aren't more suitable properties? –Samoasambia 11:37, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That usage is already a bad attempt to circumvent our decisions about property creation. Using it for perpetrators would however even worse because mistaken claims about victims are not as serious as mistaken claims about perpetrators. ChristianKl12:39, 23 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I want to add statements that X was/is a perpetrator of the Holocaust, where X is a person. The Holocaust is well researched, so sources are not a problem.
Could anyone kindly point me to resources so I can add those statements in bulk (with sources) via the API? FerhatUnvar (talk) 17:59, 24 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
You can look at comparable items and check how they do it, for example, Osama bin Laden (Q1317): significant event (P793), Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (Q319068): nothing, Hamza al-Ghamdi (Q653287)}: nothing, Mohamed Atta (Q110067): participant in (P1344) etc.
Property participant in (P1344) looks like a good candidate to me. Difool (talk) 02:00, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
the holocaust Q2763 has the P8031 perpetrator property with the Value Adolf Hitler. When I understand the definition of P8031
it should be the statement Hitler participant in (P1344) Holocaust and participant should have qualifier "object has role perpetrator" and that claim should have a citation FerhatUnvar (talk) 05:31, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This query shows humans, with a statement subject has role (P2868) perpetrator (Q4445088):
SELECT ?human ?humanLabel ?y WHERE {
  ?human wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
  ?human ?x ?y.
  ?y pq:P2868 wd:Q4445088.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
Try it!
You could also use convicted of (P1399), probably less controversial. Difool (talk) 08:38, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Still objecting mass-adding statements like this without proper sourcing. Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 08:47, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I would call it a requirement, but I assumed the statements would be added with sources after reading "sources are not a problem" above. Difool (talk) 09:28, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Sjoerddebruin I plan add sources as @Difool suspected. I also want to follow all rules and requirements. That's the whole reason I am writing here instead of just doing it. I don't see a reason to repeatedly do the same manual steps if I can write a script once, create a table containing person ids and sources , to then finally run the script. FerhatUnvar (talk) 11:33, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you @Difoolfor the query, but what I am looking for would be an insert statement/api call.
There are several people that perpetrated the holocaust but never were convicted. Also, holocaust is not a criminal charge. I could however add the charges from the Nuremberg trials. FerhatUnvar (talk) 11:38, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It's not trivial to decide who was a perpetrator of the Holocaust. Were the perpetrators only those people who actively killed Jews? Those who helped to kill them? Those who commanded killing them? Or everybody who was a member of the Nazi Party? You definitely need a good source to add such statements. What soure are you planning to use? D3rT!m (talk) 11:51, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I will add undisputed perpetrators. This is not a fact finding commission. I will follow the guidelines that apply to Wikipedia, meaning to stick to the scientific consensus and sources that satisfy academic criteria. FerhatUnvar (talk) 12:13, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Wikidata items don't do well with having thousands of claims of the same type.
The best way to add perpetrators would be to create new items like "killing of Jewish people in Ausschwitz" with:
"killing of Jewish people in Ausschwitz"part of (P361)The Holocaust in Germany (Q3188158)
"killing of Jewish people in Ausschwitz"perpetrator (P8031)person-who-did-bad-thing ChristianKl10:19, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Wikidata items don't do well with having thousands of claims of the same type. can you elaborate? aren't there a lot of statements like x is male etc? [User:FerhatUnvar|FerhatUnvar]] (talk) 19:02, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
When it comes to sex or gender (P21) each item usually has only one value. In a complex case with a person who transitioned a few times, you might have a handful of sex or gender (P21) claims but never a thousand for a single person. ChristianKl22:20, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@FerhatUnvar You can use the query to see how the statements are used, i.e. not a lot, and mostly for murders. I would use QuickStatements to add the statements. Difool (talk) 12:22, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
thank you very much QuckStatements was the tool I assumed to exist but could not find. FerhatUnvar (talk) 16:13, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

usage on other wikis[edit]

1. What needs to happen so each Wikidata item lists "usage on other wikis", like is routine on Wikimedia Commons?

  • On a few occasions, Wikidata administrators have tried to delete Wikidata items that I've created. If those items are not used on other Wikis AND if they have few properties and no links from other Wikidata items, that may be okay. However, I currently don't know how to get that information. The "what links here" feature within Wikidata identifies other uses within Wikidata but not from other Wikimedia Foundation projects.

2. What needs to happen so w:Template:Cite Q displays more than just the QID?

  • I've been challenged this past month by two other users on Wikipedia who did NOT like my use of w:Template:Cite Q in new articles I've created on Wikipedia. The first challenger replaced several of my w:Template:Cite Q references with the more traditional w:Template:Citation style. I complained, and the other user grudgingly allowed me to continue using Wikidata citations.
  • To make it easy to understand a QID, I've been including comments, e.g., <!-- Lewis Diuguid (2004) A Teacher’s Cry: Expose the Truth About Education Today-->{{cite Q|Q126074936}}.
  • I believe that meta:WikiCite would be much better received if {{cite Q|Q126074936}} could be understood without a comment expanding that QID into a text description, like I just did with the comment in this example.

3. What needs to happen so Wikipedians who are "watching" an article that has a Wikidata infobox ({{infobox .../Wikidata}}) could get a useful notice when the relevant Wikidata item changes?

  • I think I first became aware of Wikidata via emails that Wikipedia articles I was "watching" changed, and I could NOT see what had changed. Eventually, I learned that a Wikidata item used in an infobox had changed. That was several years ago. I have not seen that recently, but I wonder if it's still an issue that pushes many Wikimedians away from Wikidata?

FYI, I've logged over 22,000 edits in Wikidata since 2018 and over 15,000 in other WMF projects since 2010. DavidMCEddy (talk) 19:08, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

1) There are multiple issues here. Page Information does contain information about Wikidata items being used on other Wikimedia projects.
The deletion interface does warn about usages within Wikidata but does not warn about usages by other projects. Lastly, our notability rules do not result in "Cite Q" making an item notable.
3) There's the option "Show Wikidata edits in your watchlist" in Watchlist preferences over at Wikipedia. The problem is that a lot of changes to Wikidata items are of no interest to Wikipedia users. If there's another external ID property added that does not affect Wikipedia it still shows up in the watchlist and thus Wikipedians generally don't have "Show Wikidata edits in your watchlist" on. ChristianKl20:20, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
2. I'm assuming Cite-Q will display the QID if there is no label available for the wiki's language. The fix is then to add a localized label.
I like Cite-Q myself and have been using it extensively on select Covid-19 articles. Adding comments defeats the purpose of using Cite-Q, I would recommend turning the reference into a named reference instead e.g. <ref name="roentgen1895">{{Cite Q|Q54525969}}</ref> Infrastruktur (talk) 21:01, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
When it comes to QID being displayed instead of labels I hope it will get soon better with mul. Does names of articles and names of people should be in mul and then be displayed in any language. ChristianKl11:27, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
There does seem to be a language fallback already. I don't know the specifics of it but it would seem if a journal, book or paper specifies language of work or name (P407) then Cite-Q will fall back to using labels in that language if there is no native labels. If you need specifics it might be easier to ping Mike Peel or Pigsonthewing. It's very likely mul support will be implemented too. Infrastruktur (talk) 16:59, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

This item should probably be merged into material (Q214609), however the interwiki links conflict. Someone speaking Zulu should verify this. It is possible the former entity and its only associated Wikipedia article are vandalism, they were created from a disruptive IP range. Janhrach (talk) 09:26, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

According to ChatGPT: "In Zulu, "Isithako" is more commonly used to refer to ingredients or components, especially in the context of cooking or making something that involves combining different substances. On the other hand, "I-Material," borrowed from English, is often used in more technical or industrial contexts to refer to raw materials or substances from which products are made."
For it to be merged, ZuluWiki would need to merge their pages. You would need to ask over at ZuluWiki to request them to merge their pages which they might or might not do. ChristianKl10:31, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Dealing with vandalism on translated pages[edit]

Discovered I can't simply rollback vandalism on translated pages.

Permission error

You do not have permission to quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page, for the following reason:

This page cannot be updated manually. This page is a translation of the page Wikidata:Introduction and the translation can be updated using the translation tool.

Do I seriously have to undo every single one by hand or is there a better way? Infrastruktur (talk) 16:08, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

You need to find the edit in the Translation: namespace and undo that (or delete it, if the page was previously untranslated and the vandal edit created the translation). If the vandalism is coming from a single user, it would be a matter of filtering their contributions by namespace and doing mass rollback or mass delete. –FlyingAce✈hello 16:30, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That's a big help. Thanks. Infrastruktur (talk) 16:37, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

fix pls[edit]

The enwiki sitelink for Tagore (Q21507646) (a surname) is w:en:Tagore (disambiguation). The disambiguation sitelink should be moved to Tagore (Q2408695) (a disambiguation) and w:en:Tagore (name) go to Tagore (Q21507646) (currently does not have a item link). 22:30, 26 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Estopedist1 (talk) 11:13, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I'm New Here[edit]

I am new here I use to work on many categories on DMOZ many years ago, would anyone like any help doing anything? Tidying up etc. Please let me know. Jane. Janethecobb (talk) 09:33, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

What interests do you have? Do you see yourself doing edits manually or are you playing to automate the process via quickstatements? ChristianKl09:53, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, there are always unconnected (new) articles in every language version, which need to be connected to existing wikidata items (if existing) or connected to a newly created item (if not yet existing):
M2k~dewiki (talk) 15:03, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Also, the AutosuggestSitelink-Gadget might be usefull for this purpose. It opens a wiki pop-up (not a browser pop-up), so articles, which are not yet connected to a wikidata object can be connected to an object (see screenshot). M2k~dewiki (talk) 15:08, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Building complex vs architectural ensemble vs group of buildings[edit]

currently building complex (Q1497364) is a subclass of (P279) architectural ensemble (Q1497375) which is a subclass of (P279) of group of structures or buildings (Q18247357) which explicitly says "architectural structures or buildings that do not form a building complex, but are treated as a group"

I agree building complex (Q1497364) and group of structures or buildings (Q18247357) should be alternatives, expressing the tightness of the link between structures. architectural ensemble (Q1497375) is rather wooly, but because of that should probably be the parent for both. My interest is separating between buildings at a particular point, and ones spread across a larger area. Vicarage (talk) 10:38, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wikidata weekly summary #629[edit]

A systematic approach to conditional statements[edit]

Some statements are only correct under certain conditions, and we have several restrictive qualifier (Q61719275) properties to express some common and generic types of such conditions (list). However, many statements would require more specific ways to express conditionality, and I do not think we would want to always create dedicated properties for them. Instead, we might want to give some thought to more generic ways of expressing conditionality.

To give an example where I could not find a way to express conditionality using existing Wikidata statements: A square pyramid (Q1075704) can only be considered a Johnson solid (Q1059659) if each and every one of the triangular faces of the square pyramid (Q1075704) is a equilateral triangle (Q157002). A square pyramid (Q1075704) meeting this particular condition would then be a square pyramid with equilateral triangle sides (Q17370383), which will always be a Johnson solid (Q1059659). How can we express that statements like square pyramid (Q1075704)subclass of (P279)Johnson solid (Q1059659) are only true for a given ?qid if ?qid(instance of (P31) or subclass of (P279))square pyramid with equilateral triangle sides (Q17370383)?

Should we think here about generic properties like "has condition" or "applies under condition" or so, or should we perhaps try to be even more generic by looking into frameworks like the SuperPattern Ontology (Q111972233)? Or would the current approach of creating dedicated properties indeed be preferable? Daniel Mietchen (talk) 16:18, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

First the pyramide à base carrée et côtés équilateraux (Q17370383) is both a subclass of solide de Johnson (Q1059659) and pyramide à base carrée (Q1075704), so it meets both conditions
This would mean that it both satisfies the conditions of the definitions of a Johnson solid (Q1059659) and a square pyramid (Q1075704)
Maybe this would miss the "these are the "only" solid that meets both". This might be expressible with disjoint union of (P2738) View with SQID but maybe not simply. I think
would express this uniqueness. But we still would have to define negatively "square pyramid with non equilateral triangle" which could be done in this particular case by does not have part (P3113)
author  TomT0m / talk page 19:14, 27 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

(bidirectional?) links between disambiguation page and concrete items[edit]

What is current guideline for the topic in subject? Should they have relations? If so, which direction via which properties? Should such answers be found in Talk:Q4167410? Thanks

Examples : Trinomial coefficient (Q96152020) and trinomial coefficient (Q123472215) JuguangXiao (talk) 02:29, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

This has been asked a few times recently and I think the general consensus is no. Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 08:12, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I'd just have paired disambiguations between concrete items here, if they could be confused under our name/description system. WP disambiguation pages reflect the constraints of their no-duplicate name systems, and are of limited used as a second-level connection between items. Vicarage (talk) 08:16, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
In what way, do you pair them? JuguangXiao (talk) 12:53, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
different from (P1889) is sometimes okay if there's danger that someone in Wikipedia would try to merge sitelinks between the two. ChristianKl08:37, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

P31 for firms and companies[edit]

For humans, we have a simple rule. P31 should always be human (Q5). This makes it very easy.

For organizations, the approach is much more complex. We can have a lot of values:

Is there any discussion about using one value for all organisations? I would propose to use organization (Q43229). PAC2 (talk) 20:18, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

There was some discussion on the WikiProject_Organizations talk page in December/January, off the back of Data Modelling Days 2023. I have no idea if discussion or work have progressed elsewhere on that front, though. M2Ys4U (talk) 21:38, 28 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
See Wikidata:WikiProject_Companies/Properties. business (Q4830453) is preferred, enterprise (Q6881511) and organization (Q43229) are broader terms (but not wrong). --Jklamo (talk) 00:26, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wikidata Infobox image[edit]

Hi. At Category:Megan Compain over at Commons, the Wikidata Infobox image is showing as this image but the wikidata image for Megan Compain is this image. I can't figure out how to get the image to update. I have tried opening the page on multiple devices and browsers, so I don't believe it is cache and cookies related. Thanks in advance. DaHuzyBru (talk) 12:04, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Try purging the page, it's a cache issue. Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 13:22, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Re: New EntitySchema data type is ready for testing on Test Wikidata[edit]


You may recall our previous announcement inviting you to test a new EntitySchema datatype on Test Wikidata. Once fully implemented, this data type will allow editors to refer to existing EntitySchemas in statements to indicate what class of Items are governed by an EntitySchema for example. Many thanks to everyone who provided feedback during the initial testing phase.

Based on your input, we have reassessed the architecture of the datatype. It should now return as a ‘wikibase-entityid’ when accessed through the API. See phab:T339920 for more information on this.

In addition to this update, we have made the following improvements:

  • Improved Display: EntitySchemas linked in statements, Wikitext, edit summaries and Special Pages are now displayed by their labels instead of their IDs, making them more readable and easier to understand.
  • Language Support: We've added support for language fallback to ensure EntitySchemas are legible across different languages.

We invite you to test these changes once again and provide us with your feedback by June 6. Unless any major issues arise, we will enable the new datatype on Wikidata during the next train deployment. Once this is done, the open property proposal at Wikidata:Property_proposal/Pending#Shape_Expression_for_class can be created.

Please note when testing: the data type still needs to be registered with Wikibase Client to ensure full accessibility of Items with EntitySchema statements on client wikis. See phab:T363153 for more information on this.

If you encounter any issues, have questions or concerns, or want to provide feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Wikidata talk:Schemas or leave a comment on this ticket (phab:T332157).

Cheers, -Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE) (talk) 13:32, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

1 year old vandalism not undone[edit] Rostworowski (talk) 14:38, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply] . Multichill (talk) 16:34, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Using Wikidata as an upstream for device information[edit]

As part of postmarketOS we track a significant amount of information about the specs of computer hardware, mostly tablets and phones (e.g. the OnePlus 6) . However, since this info is fixed, I've been thinking it probably makes more sense to find a more central datastore and put this info there and to pull from it instead. Found that some of our devices are already in Wikidata. We'd want to add some more fields probably, but a bunch would already be usable for us. Does this seem like a good use of Wikidata? 2A02:168:F912:0:0:0:0:1001 19:42, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

It could be a good use case. The main problem though is that we require information to have references (or at least be referenceable). I'm not clear on where your information is sourced to. Also it would depend on exactly how many new properties you would want made. You may want to consider using which I believe would let you federate somehow with wikidata while maintaining your own database separate from wikidata (which you could link bidirectionally to wikidata). If you went that route you wouldn't need to follow our rules about sources or notability. BrokenSegue (talk) 01:07, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
We don't have a rule that all information needs to have a reference. When it comes to specs there's going to be some official documentation that contains the information so it's going to be referencable. Our rules also don't forbid from using the existing postmarketos website as a source.
I would expect that the bigger issue is to think through the data model as when we create properties in Wikidata we create them not optimized for single use-cases like "I need a field in which to put X". ChristianKl11:41, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The postmarketOS wiki wouldn't be a reference in the scenario I'm proposing, it'd be downstream of Wikidata. My goal would be to put the specs we need in Wikidata so we can remove them from our wiki and instead reference them. However, there are sometimes other places that have this info (GSMArena or the manufacturer's pages, etc.). I think referencing things can be done in many cases.
Could you elaborate on the issue with properties? We mostly only log this info in our wiki so people can find devices that meet their specs, they aren't critical to our project. However, some are like the CPU and GPU. I've seen RAM (one of the properties we log) documented already in Wikidata, so that looks good. CPU and GPU looks good too. But some are missing, and maybe this is what you're talking about. Like I couldn't find a property for the amount of data storage on a device. Nor for things like the type of sensors that they have. If you look at the OnePlus 6 link in my OP you can see a table with the info I'm talking about. 15:53, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The problem is that we don't really have a property for RAM. We have one for memory capacity (P2928) that can be used for both RAM and data storage. That wouldn't be that much of a problem if people would use it as intented and say phone model Xhas part(s) (P527)hard diskmemory capacity (P2928)128 GB and phone model Xhas part(s) (P527)RAMmemory capacity (P2928)8 GB. In practice, you find people saying memory capacity (P2928)128 GB{{{3}}} or memory capacity (P2928)8 GB{{{3}}} and the data we have is messy. This isn't an unsurmountable problem but it takes work to move forward.
When it comes to sensors, has part(s) (P527) would be the way to go. I'm unclear about what you mean with works/broken/partial. If that's a postmarketOS specific category it would likely need a new property. ChristianKl13:12, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I think everything I need is supported and then some! I created a new tablet. The only two missing properties I ran into were one for "sensor resolution" of the camera sensors and "diagonal" for the size of the display (since those are commonly referenced as diagonal inches). So in general everything looks good!
The RAM problem I solved by using has part(s) as you can see in the tablet item I made. I think it makes sense to break them out as parts with capacities under them. I'll want to engage more with others working in this area to see what might be the best route here. shows the info we track on our wiki for reference. What we need is a way to pull all components of a device so that we can track how well it's supported on our end. I don't think that supported attribute should be in Wikidata, but we need a way to map from the components of a device in Wikidata to the way we track status in our system. I think it's possible with the way I've done organized the tablet I added.
I think the hardest part is integration, as it looks like there's no easy way to pull data into a Mediawiki I operate. However, we may move away from that towards a custom website given upstreaming this data to Wikidata removes a ton of the info we're tracking on our side! BasilicumTree (talk) 20:34, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@BasilicumTree: To note, when adding references use reference URL (P854) rather than official website (P856). I've fixed that in your example item and cleaned up some other bits. I like how you've formatted it overall. Huntster (t @ c) 21:18, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply] works well for my mediawikis, though I do some external json mangling on a filesystem Vicarage (talk) 22:21, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Property label no longer displayed when adding a statement[edit]

When I add a statement, after saving, property PID are displayed instead of property label. I need to reload the page to have them correctly displayed. Are you facing the same issue? Ayack (talk) 07:42, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Same as me.--S8321414 (talk) 12:42, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
+1. After reloading, the property label is displayed as usual. –Morneo06 (talk) 13:47, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Ping @User:Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE), @User:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE). Ayack (talk) 13:55, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for reporting this issue. We're on it and already have a fix. However, the deployment will wait until early next week. -Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE) (talk) 14:08, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Noted. Thanks @Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE). Ayack (talk) 14:24, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply][edit]


Could you validate and link between the breton language Wikipedia and others for the next two articles:

Thanks you,

MP (talk) 17:00, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Linked. --Wolverène (talk) 17:10, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Items created using WikiShootMe[edit]

In a discussion on Discord, one user mentioned an item that he noticed, which seems to fail our notability guidelines: Q113319514 (it's just one of many power line pylons...). Looking at user:HighVoltage 5576 contributions, it seems that there are more such items. Is there any reason why these items exist in WD? Wostr (talk) 20:42, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I thought wikishoot me was about images? but these items have no images? i'm confused. but yeah these items don't seem to be notable. BrokenSegue (talk) 23:49, 30 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I agree, no notability seen. Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 09:26, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Magnus Manske: WikiShootMe seems to have a function to create a new Wikidata item for a Commons image (the blue circles). No mention at all about the notability policy. :-( Some sort of notification ought to be displayed the first time someone tries to use this functionality. Infrastruktur (talk) 09:44, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Going to delete most of the power-line/pylon items. Not sure if the items for the electrical substations are worth keeping. Items for things like power stations should be notable. Infrastruktur (talk) 10:10, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Merged wrongly[edit]

I merged into the wrong phrase Absperrhahn into Absperrarmatur. It shouldve been the other way around. I even messed up trying to fix it, sry. LetztesSagen (talk) 05:10, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Swedish military history[edit]

There is a "Wieriska lantmilisregemente" mentioned in a biography, but I do not see it listed in Wikidata. At one time all the Swedish historical regiments has entries. Perhaps it is misspelled, and ideas? See: Hans Christoffer von Rohr II (1684-1754) biography (Q109269711) RAN (talk) 13:31, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Seem to refer to a infantry regiment stationed in Wierland county present day Estonia. Infrastruktur (talk) 14:08, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

What's going on wish qualifiers?[edit] Not being able to read them properly is really annoying Trade (talk) 16:19, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

See #Property label no longer displayed when adding a statement. Sjoerd de Bruin (talk) 16:32, 31 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Could someone please merge these?[edit] is a more recently-created duplicate of .

I'm not a Wikidata geek, just someone who has created the article on this Estonian-born singer (described in various sources as Russian or German).

I tried to merge them using Special:MergeItems: it said there was a conflict in the English descriptions, so I edited the newer one to remove all language descriptions. It then said there was a conflict in language "ast" description. At this point, I give up. Could someone who knows their way around Wikidata please combine the records? Thanks! PamD (talk) 07:39, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

On checking again, I removed the descriptors from the wrong version, so have reinstated them. PamD (talk) 07:42, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Aaargh: a bot has created a third entry at on the basis of my article. PamD (talk) 07:45, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have removed the link from Q126..., and added it to the oldest Wikidata record, Q283... . PamD (talk) 07:49, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done (Please check that nothing has been lost. I am not familiar with the subject.) -- Cl3phact0 (talk) 07:56, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Cl3phact0 Looks good. Thanks. PamD (talk) 15:22, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Invalid regex on P304[edit]

The regex for format constraint on page(s) (P304) is invalid. Could someone familiar with P304 fix it? Thanks DaxServer (talk) 11:17, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

If it's the error in regex101 "\x{10EAD} The character offset is too large" it's because the link to regex101 doesn't include the flags; the default is "/gm" but with "u" (for Unicode) added there are no errors. Adding "&flags=gmu" to the end of the regex101 URL also works. The bot that creates the constraint violations page can use the regex, although I don't know if that character (the Yezidi hyphenation mark) is recognised by the bot as I haven't found anywhere it is used. Peter James (talk) 15:45, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks @Peter James, I've made a comment to enable Unicode support in OpenRefine DaxServer (talk) 16:19, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Proposals of transforming scripts into gadgets[edit]

Hi all! It has long been discussed, both here in Wikidata, on the Telegram group and in many events (lastly, as far as I remember, two months ago in the session "A few useful gadgets and scripts for Wikidata" in Wikidata:Events/Leveling Up Days 2024), that we have no standard procedure to promote CSS and Javascript scripts to gadgets. Sometimes proposals are made here in the Project chat, but it is difficult to follow them because in the Project chat many threads of every sort are opened frequently. As in the past I had created Wikidata:Tools/Proposals to collect proposals of new tools, I have just created also Wikidata:Tools/Potential gadgets in order to collect in a single place the proposals of transforming existing scripts into gadgets. Whilst I agree with the opinion expressed by many users that we don't need a formally structured process for a script to be approved as gadget (a certain number of users expressing their support, a minimum number of days for the discussion etc.), I think having a page to collect all these proposals would make it easier for interface administrators to follow these procedures and would probably encourage users in general to make such proposals. Of course feel free to propose improvements to the page (both the header and the title), here or in its talk page! --Epìdosis 17:05, 1 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]